Spaceships Are Cool – Spaceships Are Cool 5-Track EP
I picked up this EP from the radio station to review thinking it was going to be a joke band playing keytars and singing about PacMan (you think I’m kidding, but there’s a precedent - Mr. Pacman). I was very pleasantly surprised to find a delightful bastard-love-child from Beck and Of Montreal encapsulated in this short but very rich EP. It’s 5 songs long but features examples of both simple poppy songs and deeply layered tracks. The album as a whole leaves an impression of a band(-ish) that doesn’t take themselves overly seriously, but also has a strong understanding of what they feel music should be with the ability to write and record precisely what they want. I use the term ‘band’ as that’s what the promotional material makes them out to be. In reality they’re only a band when performing live. When recording it’s just Rob Maddison of Nottingham, England.
I enjoyed this album a substantial amount, particularly tracks 3 and 4, “This Fond Farewell” and “Gingerbread Houses”. “This Fond Farewell” is an excellent electro-indie ballad which showcases the band’s ability to layer its mayhem. “Gingerbread Houses” takes a much more simplistic route as it meanders across the tune. Add in tracks 1, 2, and 5 to get a complete and worthwhile album: “Let Things Go” is what you wish NES music would have been, featuring very cool guitar and synth lines layered heavily with staccato drums while fading in and out of more melodic interludes; “Strawberry Knickers” is simple but fun (you can listen by following the first BBC link below); and “Sooner or Later “ is a saccharine-sweet melody that deserves to be played with a black turtleneck sweater and cappuccino.
DJ’s – play any of the first four tracks on air. Baristas – play track 5 on the coffee shops loudspeakers.
Will I play it on my show? Yes. RIYL – Beck, Of Montreal.
BBC - video link
BBC - Interview
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