Matt & Kim – Grand
I have spent a week trying to come up with an adequate description of this band, as well as a viable reason why I like them. It sounds like a guy and a girl with a computer, drums, and a synthesizer decided to play bass-intensive indie-pop, and they have definitely accomplish that. Two comparisons came up the first time I listened to the album: Imagine if Lily Allen and the Futureheads combined into a dual-male-vocalist indie band; OR Cut Copy guest appeared on a Kaiser Chiefs album.
Note the UK bands in those comparisons – as has become somewhat popular of late, the vocals are sung in a way that allows their accents to shine through. I don’t know enough about UK accents to peg the singers entirely, but track 4 (Spare Change) sounds very Scottish to me. I mention this because I know some people get annoyed with the Los Campesinos! / Kate Nash style of maintaining accents in song. It seems stupid to me for music to be judged that way, but now you’re warned. Oh, and they're from Brooklyn.
Anyway, this is a good band that is worth looking into if any part of this review has intrigued you. I particularly like tracks 3 (Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare), 7 (Don’t Slow Down), and 8 (Turn This Boat Around), but all tracks are entertaining enough. A good thing about this album is that the songs are cohesive in their sound, but each track stands alone on a finer level. It annoys me when bands, especially newer ones, decide that there is only two ways to make an album – all the songs are exactly the same or are all on the same theme, or that every song has to sound like a different band, producer, and sound mixer were used. Grr.
Next indie dance party I throw, this is going on the playlist.
Will I play it on my show? Already have. RIYL – Ben Folds + a synthesizer, Los Campesinos!
You like all of the songs I don't care for! Weird. (those are the ones that are too repetitive for me) This might reflect in how we see the same albums throughout the semester. Hum. You have a point about the album sticking together as a whole. It does a good job of that with there just being synths, drums, and vocals and without doing any ambient noise between tracks. Probably wouldn't hold up so well if it were much longer than 30 minutes. Word.