A.C. Newman – Get Guilty
This is A.C. Newman – if you like him or The New Pornographers, you’ll like this a lot too. However, it is slightly different than some of his recent work, solo or otherwise: It’s a little more focused on the raw instrumentation, and less so on creating overwhelming or highly emotive melodies. The sound layering is not as intense as it was on “The Slow Wonder” or the last two New Pornographers albums, but that’s not to say the songs aren’t as complex. They just don’t … glisten as much, if that makes sense. They are still the same highly melodic and saccharine style as you would expect from A.C. Newman, and are the same high quality, but the post production left more of the pure track.
The differences being overly analyzed as such, I must say that I like this album quite a bit. It’s good ol’ indie pop, and it feels right at home with his previous work while representing more of his evolution as a musician. I do believe he’s one of the greatest songwriters out there today, and if you like indie or pop music, you should really check him out. This album just offers further proof of that.
Will I play it on my show? Undoubtedly. RIYL - The New Pornographers, Destroyer, A.C. Newman
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