Saturday, January 31, 2009


Matt & KimGrand

I have spent a week trying to come up with an adequate description of this band, as well as a viable reason why I like them. It sounds like a guy and a girl with a computer, drums, and a synthesizer decided to play bass-intensive indie-pop, and they have definitely accomplish that. Two comparisons came up the first time I listened to the album: Imagine if Lily Allen and the Futureheads combined into a dual-male-vocalist indie band; OR Cut Copy guest appeared on a Kaiser Chiefs album.

Note the UK bands in those comparisons – as has become somewhat popular of late, the vocals are sung in a way that allows their accents to shine through. I don’t know enough about UK accents to peg the singers entirely, but track 4 (Spare Change) sounds very Scottish to me. I mention this because I know some people get annoyed with the Los Campesinos! / Kate Nash style of maintaining accents in song. It seems stupid to me for music to be judged that way, but now you’re warned. Oh, and they're from Brooklyn.

Anyway, this is a good band that is worth looking into if any part of this review has intrigued you. I particularly like tracks 3 (Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare), 7 (Don’t Slow Down), and 8 (Turn This Boat Around), but all tracks are entertaining enough. A good thing about this album is that the songs are cohesive in their sound, but each track stands alone on a finer level. It annoys me when bands, especially newer ones, decide that there is only two ways to make an album – all the songs are exactly the same or are all on the same theme, or that every song has to sound like a different band, producer, and sound mixer were used. Grr.

Next indie dance party I throw, this is going on the playlist.

Will I play it on my show? Already have. RIYL – Ben Folds + a synthesizer, Los Campesinos!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

MUSIC REVIEW - Dent May and His Magnificent Ukulele

Dent May and His Magnificent Ukulele The Good Feeling Music of Dent May and his Magnificent Ukulele

This is the greatest ukulele and GarageBand album ever made. EVAHR. It’s reminiscent of Jonathan Coulton in its simplicity and tongue-in-check humor (see tracks 3 and 7, “College Town Boy” and “You Can’t Force a Dance Party”), but it’s trying to be an album of some merit too. I can see one or two of the songs on this album becoming a college-radio summer song – it’s upbeat, and by proxy of using a ukulele has a Hawaiian vibe. But it is limited by what makes it unique – there’s only so much a Southern boy and a ukulele can accomplish.

For those who follow such things, Dent May was signed to Animal Collective’s label pretty much as soon as they heard him. If you’re a fan of the weirdness that can be Animal Collective, this will appeal to your sensibilities on some level.

Will I play it on my show? I’m a little embarrassed to say yes. RIYL – Ladybug Transistor, Jonathan Coulton, 50’s ukulele doo-wop.

KMNR Pacman Couch

By DJ's Maggie and Knuckles

Older MUSIC REVIEW - The Submarines

The SubmarinesHoneysuckle Weeks

We got this album at the station last year, but the band has come highly suggested to me for a couple years now. I’ve played a few tracks off the album on my show (1-Submarine Symphonika; 3-You Me and the Bourgeoisie, which was made famous through an iPhone commercial; and 5-The Wake Up Song), but neglected an in depth review until now. Having listened to the album more carefully, I feel horrible for putting it off for so long – I’ve denied myself much happiness by doing so.

This album is a pop tour-de-force. Every song is lovingly and intricately developed, with the lyrics having the same prose-like beauty that you would find in bands like The New Pornographers or Destroyer. Both the vocalists sing in a way that covers the full range between a wispy, sorrowful sigh and a bright call. While the vox volume is loud enough to be clearly understood, the real hero of the album is the instrumentation. The music has jangling guitar and bouncing drums accompanied on the computer by playful bass, horns, and synth from a GarageBand-like program. It’s the some most infectious indie-pop to be created to date. If you’re into this kind of music even tangentially, this is a must have in your collection.

Will I play it on my show? I have and will continue to do so. RIYL – She and Him, New Pornographers, Mates of State, The Postal Service.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

MUSIC REVIEW - Dragon Fli Empire

Dragon Fli EmpireRedefine

I found this to be very mediocre rap. It’s two Canadian rappers who are highly concerned with their listeners knowing their name, and the byproduct of this is “Dragon Fli Empire, DFE!” being the principal lyric on most tracks. The music can’t make amends for this annoying trait, as the mixes are not very complex or interesting. The one possibly redeeming feature was a kinda cool scratching of an audience clapping on track 2, but that’s pretty much it.

Will I play it on my show? No. RIYL – Canadian rap.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MUSIC REVIEW - Core Effect

Core EffectArmored Shades of Light

Do you like modern rock? If no, stop – if yes, continue.

Do you like Metallica? If no, stop – if yes, continue.

Do you like bands that pretend to be Metallica? If no, then you read this far for nothing – if yes, you’ll like this band.

NOTE: I don't think the band knows that their CD cover looks like goatse.

Will I play it on my show? No. RIYL – Bands pretending to be Metallica.


Monday, January 19, 2009


A.C. Newman Get Guilty

This is A.C. Newman – if you like him or The New Pornographers, you’ll like this a lot too. However, it is slightly different than some of his recent work, solo or otherwise: It’s a little more focused on the raw instrumentation, and less so on creating overwhelming or highly emotive melodies. The sound layering is not as intense as it was on “The Slow Wonder” or the last two New Pornographers albums, but that’s not to say the songs aren’t as complex. They just don’t … glisten as much, if that makes sense. They are still the same highly melodic and saccharine style as you would expect from A.C. Newman, and are the same high quality, but the post production left more of the pure track.

The differences being overly analyzed as such, I must say that I like this album quite a bit. It’s good ol’ indie pop, and it feels right at home with his previous work while representing more of his evolution as a musician. I do believe he’s one of the greatest songwriters out there today, and if you like indie or pop music, you should really check him out. This album just offers further proof of that.

Will I play it on my show? Undoubtedly. RIYL - The New Pornographers, Destroyer, A.C. Newman

MUSIC REVIEW - The Soul of Black John

The Soul of John Black Black John

The artist is ‘The Soul of John Black’, and the album is Black John. I got that backwards at first, but google quickly righted that error. This is pretty good stuff – it’s really skilled quick-blues guitar and gospel-style vocal harmonizing mixed in with groove-based bass mixed in (both electronic and organic). Somebody at the radio station is going to LURVE it. As for me, I’m enjoying it, but I’m not enamored yet. That being said, I would definitely like to see these guys (guy? Not sure if plural is appropriate) at a blues or jazz festival. Seems like great live music. Check out track 1.

Will I play it on my show? If I get on a blues / funk bend sometime. RIYL – Blues and funk of any sort.

MUSIC REVIEW - Oh No Not Stereo

Oh No Not Stereo003

I had some seriously high hopes for this album going into it, having never heard of this band before. I really liked the band’s name and the style of the liner notes. My bad. It’s another album that’s just really not in my genre of music at all. The band is ‘hard rock’, whatever the hell that means anymore. It sounds like more music tailored to mooch of teenage angst – your 13-year-old younger brother will totally, like, get these guys. But you just won’t understand.

Will I play it on my show? No. Emphatically, NO. RIYL – All American Rejects, who they’re touring with, I believe.

MUSIC REVIEW - Matisyahu

MatisyahuShattered EP

I really never got all to into Matisyahu, but this is an interesting album. It’s similar to his other stuff, so if you like Hasidic-Reggae Rap, this is your EP. It’s more I like the first track, “Smash Lies”, for it’s beatastic properties, but I’m just not completely won over by the EP as a whole. The other songs incorporate more of a rock feel that I’m not necessarily cool with. However, if you do like Matisyahu, then you’ll be all like, ‘Mmmmm, tasty’.

Will I play it on my show? Probably not. RIYL – Yiddish in your rap.

MUSIC REVIEW - Ben Bedford

Ben BedfordLand of Shadows

I’ll get my prejudice out of the way right now, this is not my kind of music. It’s very slow folk / rock and is all about Podunk U.S.A. There’s obligatory coal mining references and all. That being said, I can really see this being played on country music stations, maybe even charting. I dunno, the guy might be famous in those circles, I really don’t follow them too closely. If you like slow country, this might be for you. But it’s not for me.

Will I play it on my show? No. RIYL - John Prine

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

End of the year CD countdown

2008 was a good, but expensive year for me and music. In addition to listening to many great new bands as a music reviewer at the radio station, I got a great number of CD's and vinyls, the vast majority of which I am immensely pleased with. I'll give as complete a list of these purchases as possible, along with a very abbreviated review. Also, thanks to Albums on the Hill for helping me find many of these albums. Easily my favorite record shop out there.

A.C. Newman - The Slow Wonder (2004)
Lots of sweet, slow melodies and some peppier ones - if you like the New Pornographers, you'll love this.

The Apples in Stereo - Discovery of a World Inside the Moone (2001)
Great album by a great pop band. Second favorite in their discography.
The Apples in Stereo - Electronic Projects for Musicians (2008)
Comp album of B-sides and unreleased stuff, about 3/4 of which is awesome. Features their Stephan Colbert song.
The Apples in Stereo - Her Wallpaper Reverie (1999)
Decent, but I really only picked it up to complete my collection of their discography. Start with Discovery of a World Inside the Moone or New Magnetic Wonder if you're new to the band.
The Apples in Stereo - New Magnetic Wonder (2007) - LP
I love this album, it was my favorite CD from 2007. I just picked up the LP this year, so I'm counting it. And since this is a one-way medium at present, you can't stop me. Bam.

Beck - Odelay [Deluxe Anniversary Edition] (2008)
Great re-release of a GREAT album. Features an unchanged release of the original Odelay and about more than 20 unreleased songs and remixes. Excellent intro to Beck for noobs.
Beck - The Information (2006)
Another good album from Beck, I feel bad for having waited so long to buy it.
Beck - Sea Change (2002)
I actually didn't enjoy this as much as I hoped. Should have bought Midnight Vultures instead.

British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music? (2008)
Indie rock - VERY indie - but good. Except for the two tracks of just noise.

Flobots - Fight With Tools (2008)
I gotta represent the local artists, Colorado what what! The album is meh.

The Fratellis - Here We Stand (2008)
Not as good as their first album, better than then next one is likely to be.

Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere (2006) - LP
It's an album from Danger Mouse. Would you accept anything less than wonderful?
Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple (2008)
Read above.

Heavy - Great Vengeance and Furious Fire (2008)
Alright, this was a favorite from this year. Very good indie rock and pop, lots of bass work, some rap even. I lurve it.

The High Decibels - The High Decibels (2008)
Imagine two rappers and musicians went back and redid a whole bunch of old skool rap. now imagine that all the songs were new and original. And that it is good. You have The High Decibels.

Jamie Lidell - Jim (2008)
More interesting than anything, a dance music producer writes and sings 70's soul. Huh.

Kaiser Chiefs - Off With Their Heads (2008)
Their best work since their first album. Also their third album. Full review in archives.

The Knux - Remind Me in Three Days (2008)
Another favorite from this year, this is by far the best rap I've heard in a long time. Amazing, and beat-tastic. Full review in archives.

The Ladybug Transistor - Can't Wait Another Day (2007)
I had a poster of theirs up in my apartment all year, and I like other Elephant 6 bands, so I went on a limb and bought it. I don't really like it much.

Los Campesinos! - Hold On Now, Youngster (2008)
I got this after their EP dropped last year, and was all like "An EP and an album in just a few months? That's awesome!" And it was, as it is good indie from Ireland.
Los Campesinos! - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed (2008)
AND THEN THEY RELEASE A SECOND FULL ALBUM IN THE SAME YEAR. These guys kick buttocks on a royal scale. Also a very good indie album.

My Federation - Don't Wanna Die (2008)
Electronica meets Pop, and I like it. Full review in archives.

The New Pornographers - Challengers (2007) - LP
Another repurchase of a CD from last year. My second favorite album from '07, but my favorite band.

The Pack A.D. - Tintype (2007)
Like the White Stripes? Want the White Stripes to be 2 girls? And for them to be better than the White Stripes (debatable)? Get this CD.
The Pack A.D. - Funeral Mixtape (2008)
Then this one, as it's even better.

Pendulum - In Silico (2008)
Very good electronic music, I like to listen to it with bass UP.

Port O'Brien - All We Could Do Was Sing (2008)
Maybe the indie favorite from '08, this is very melodic and saccharine. Also the 2nd nicest band I've ever met. Best thing to come out of Alaska since Jewel.

Rilo Kiley - Under the Blacklights (2007)
Got this early in '08 and liked it a lot. It's poppy and very indie.
Rilo Kiley - Take Offs and Landings (2001)
I liked their other 2 albums I had, so I got it. It's more saccharine, but nice nonetheless.

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - Naturally (2005)
I picked this up after a concert of theirs - GO SEE SHARON JONES LIVE. She has a voice like nobody else, a backing band that is internationally acclaimed, and she was a prison gaurd at Rikers Island. And she's funky.

Supergrass - Diamond Hoo Ha (2008)
Experienced pop band makes great pop album. It's nice.

That Handsome Devil - That Handsome Devil (2006)
An old and interesting EP from a band I like. Indie rap?
That Handsome Devil - A City Dressed In Dynamite (2008)
Eclectic and wonderful, featuring a wide variety of style and songs. Get it. Full review in archives.

Tilly and the Wall - Wild Like Children (2004)
I had to get this after getting Bottoms of Barrels.
Tilly and the Wall - Bottoms of Barrels (2006)
I had to get this after getting O.
Tilly and the Wall - O (2008)
I had to get this after I heard a single song off it. This was definitely my most listened to band this year - and I got to meet them too. Jamie the tap dancer is awesome.

Ulysses - .010 (2004)
A side project from the main guy in Apples in Stereo, it's lofi and garage-y. Good, but there's better out there.

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend (2008) - LP
I got this in CD and vinyl, and saw them live twice within a week, but the concerts were over 1000 miles apart. Indie meets Beach Boys, this was my album of the year. Screw whoever thinks they're overrated, I like 'em. And to all you indie kids, I liked 'em first.

Willie Houston - Bluesman Willie Houston and his Guitar (2001)
Saw this little old (over 80?) man get up on stage at a blues festival, and he proceeded to belt it out like it was a 1950's dive bar and he was newly broken hearted. Classic blues by somebody who was around to see the genre develop.

Windmill - Puddle City Racing Lights (2008)
I bought this for the cover. Bad singing, great slow music. Buy for the cover.

Whew! I think I'm forgetting a few albums, but that's a full enough list for me. And that, my friends, is why I'm broke now.